Sos. Colentina nr 58, bl 101, ap 2, sector 2, Bucuresti
firma termopane
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Company with Romanian capital Avdela 2000 Service -COM was founded in 2000 with the object of design, construction and installation windows, PVC and aluminum curtain walls and cladding Alucobond composite boards , ETALBOND , etc. .

The company sells and assembles in a high quality PVC windows and PVC doors KOMMERLING brand , KBE is an authorized partner PROFINE ROMANIA .

To ensure quality , our company has:

a team of professionals : engineers, planners , economists , workers, all highly qualified and more experienced in this area , which can ensure the realization of works with a high degree of technical difficulty , satisfying the highest requirements of customers, both in terms quality , and in terms of execution time ;

Mounting accessories : scaffolding , ladders , etc.



motor vehicles specially equipped to transport systems, windows and doors and glazing . The fleet includes 21 vehicles;



software design and optimization of the highest quality and productivity , which ensures minimal loss of material.



motor vehicles specially equipped to transport systems and thermal windows ;



elements of ISO 9001 quality : PVC KOMMERLING - Germany aluminum profiles : Schuko Germany , Balkan , Alumil , Etem , Exalco Greece SIGENIA hardware , burglary ROTTO Gemany , Low- E glass ( 4-16-4 ) insulating Saint Gobain France.



Pvc joinery manufacturing is done with professional equipment of last generation. Our company uses equipment Elumatec Germany, a prestigious brand in the field of carpentry.

Cutting machine fittings


Automated drainage


Automatic screwed fittings


Car drive rods holes


Car stuck at 0.2 mm , resulting in a seam invisible if color profiles


Cutting machine wands transmitted by radio


Table Fittings


Automatic deburring Centre ( C.N.C )


Milling uprights




It is made by our company using their own cars equipped with special racks that allow transport without risk of windows and glazed windows . The fleet consists of 21 vehicles.
These elements ensure delivery deadline in the contract, the whole works , punctuality and promptness is appreciated by all our customers .


Since the quality of PVC joinery is influenced by the quality of installation , it is executed by our company with professional staff , using the highest quality materials : steel anchors , self tapping screws , bolts and mounting accessories, foam , silicone, respecting exactly the Manual mounting technique Rosenheim window and the RAL quality staff for windows and doors for homes , ensuring imposed static parameters ( wind pressure , etc. . ) .
It carried a staff with vast experience , with maximum accuracy , speed and professionalism , as evidenced by the number of complaints received.
Advantages performed installation company very secure mechanical fastening , sealing against wind, rain , snow - perfect , strict compliance with the contract terms.


Company granted collateral system recorded a certificate Warranty - 5 years , according to Law 10/1995 on the quality of construction .
The warranty on our suppliers is KOMMERLING PVC Profiles , KBE Germany: 25; FeronerieSIGENIA , Roto Germany : 15,000 open-close cycles ;
Life pvc carpentry for 25 years - is comparable to the lifetime of the whole building .